Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Project Draft update 4

Womens Rights

The Creation on NOW/Roe v. Wade

A. The creation of Now(National Organization for Women)lead to many social and legal gains for women. The creation of now produced a great surge in personal freedom because it lead to many women(over 175,000 members) to question there place. Girls started to question the place that they were put in and started to fight and gained freedoms ranging from there own sports teams to an actual ban passed by congress on gender discrimination in "any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance". This act caused many all male colleges that were previously closed down to women to open there doors. This allowed women the freedom to attend many more schools of there choice. Another important though contriversal ruling for NOW was the decision made in Roe v. Wade where women were granted by the supreme court the right to have an abortion. Women had this right because it fell under the amendment of a persons right to privacy. Many women and the NOW organization viewed this as a strong gain in there freedom because they were given the legal right to choose.
B. Individuals were taking on responsibility in this time as many felt that it was up to them to force to government to award them rights. Many women were doing little things to show that they would not stand for the rights that they were given such as dropping the mrs. or miss. that identified martial or single status and instead taking up the more ambiguous Ms. Others refused to change there name with marriage so show that this would not define them. Women held protest just like the ones below where they would hold signs stated rights that they felt they deserved such as equal pay and jobs and others just continued to try for more jobs and attend schooland show that they could work there way up.

C. Respect for human dignity because a contriversal idea during this perticulare time period. While there were women fighting for rights there was the other side saying that they were out of place. The most contraversal was the ruling of Roe v. Wade which is still questioned heavily in todays society. Many though that it respected human(womans) dignity because it gave them the right to choose while many other took a completely different take and thought this ruling showed no respect for human dignity and was more on par with murder.

Equal Rights Amendment
A. This bill would have given many rights to woman because in general in was a bill that would have given women and men the same rights and protections under law. This law was not passed though and so no personal freedoms were actually gained for women.
B. With so much at stake with the desicion of the this act there were many woman standing up and taking sides and really fighting for either the passing or stopping of this particular amendment. People such as Phyllis Schlafly helped launched a stop ERA campaign. She rallied with several different support groups such as political organizations, religious groups, and anti-feminist supporters to help preach that the passing of the Equal Rights Amendment would bring around a string of disastrous events such as women being drafted and same sex marriages. She had such strong veiws on the issue that she would try many things to sop the ERA, including whereing shirts that had "stop ERA" written right across the front. Though simple things like that would seem not to make any kind of diiference it to help fuel her camaigning which eventually worked and the amendment did not receive approval from 38 states that it need for ratification and feel short at 35 states.

C. Though the womens rights movement, much like anything else changing and contriversal, had its fair share of backlash and disrespect pertaining to human dignity ranging from the uncertain decsion of Roe v. Wade to the take down of the ERA, there was still huge positive growth and a positive lasting effect. Women saw respect from the government when they received more rights and many women reached new goals when finding new schools and jobs finally being open to them.

Individual responsiblity experinced a huge surge when people saw the rights that either felt they wanted or went to far and took the responsiblity to fight for them. Respect for human dignity had a lot of positive growth though not being able to ratify the amendemt was a negitive set back. Personal freedoms were deffently being gained by women during this time period even though there was still room for improvement. These three ideas continued with the positve growth that had started to develope during the civil rights movement.

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