Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Project Draft update 3

Civil Rights

Exp1. Brown vs. Board of Education/Reactions to the Brown Decsion

A. This ruleing diminished the law that schools could be leagally segregated. This lead to much more personal freedom because African Americans were now given the freedom to enter schools they had originally been kept out of due to segregation. A famous exapmle of students taking up this new freedom were a group of Africcan American kids who enrolled at central high in little rock even though they faced many hardships, personal descriminaton from other white students, and a times even rioting and violence.
B. Though the government had outlawed segregation black students enrolling in primarily white schools faced a lot of lingering discrimination. This though lead to a surge in personal reasponsiblity. The government had leagally outlawed segregation but it was going to take more than just the government stating it to get rid of the segregation and values that went along with it that still exsisted in peoples minds. Assosiations such as the NAACP took matters into there own hands to help students to overcome. One exaple of what they did was contact students before they entered there first day at a once all white high school and escort them so that they would have some protection against rioting and yelling crowds.

C. This descion can be seen as both a step in the right direction for respecting human dignity as well as something that brought a lot of negitive feelings that did not respect human dignity. This ruleing brought a huge step in the right direction for african american civil rights and it show a lot of respect when segregation in schools was finelly outlawed, but they was negitive effects as well. This act did a lot to stir up people who belived in segregation and many students at central high in little rock were so set in there mind that blacks and whites should have segregated schools that student had to be escorted for protection and in the end caused so much trouble schools like central high had to close down. Pictures like the one above truly showed how much trouble this kids caused, people were actually scared for the lives of the aferican americans attending central high that they later had to escorted to school by armed forces.

Though there was defently signs of negitive effects this example showed not only the government but the people rising up and doing something to really take a stand at try and gain civil rights for the people. Overall this shoed a srong poitive growth in PF, IR, and HD

Exp2. Montgomery Bus Boycott/ Freedom Riders

A. Personal Freedom indured a huge gain because of the boycott. African Americans gained from the supreme court the freedom and right to finelly have intergrated buses and the outlawing of segregation on buses. This gave many the freedom to finelly have equal rights while using public transportation, which many did daily.
B. The Bus Boycott was a great example of individual reasponsiblity. When the government would at first not put a stop to bus segregation people such as Rosa Parks took on the reasponsiblity and stood up for her rights. When riding on a bus she refused to moe to create room for a white passenger and becuase of it was arrested. Her arrest yeilded a poitive effect as many people rallied and came to her support. Others who helped and showed support were the NAACP who took on the reasponiblity of organizing the boycott. People showed support in simpler ways by donating small parts of there pay checks to support the cause.
C. The outcome of this showed a general step in the right directon for human dignity Thought bus boycoot had to be endured for 381 days it was a step tht lead to the outlawing of bus segregation. Though the government showed respect for human dignity by outlawing this, the problem was far from over. People showed extrme disrespect when they ignored the governments ruling and still enforced segregation. Freedom riders, african americans and other supporters, rode the buses as a form of protest to expose to the people and government how truly the law was not being enforced. Henery Thomas and James Peck showed individual reasponsiblity when even though riding the buses and exposing the predjudice could be dangorus

they did it anyway. The government was forced to look at what was still happening when these freedom riders were attacked. Attacks such as the one displayed above were popular as people would gases the buses and do other harmful things to the riders. Though these attacks were horrible the fact that, like the picture above, these attacjs were being photographed and put into the media was just what the freedom riders were hoping for as there side of this issues started reaching the mass'.This lead to even more support for there dignity as they finelly put enforcements for the African Americans tring to ride the buses with out being segregated.

As times started to change, there was a big growth in IR PF and HD because people sarted to be able to get more involved it the issues that they were seeing such as civil rights and they used there belifes to gain more personal freedoms nad respect.


charlotte olson said...

Great, great job Charlotte! There are definitely pictures you can add to enhance the topics you talk about. You should also have info from other historical eras (WWII, right?) to add. Once you give this same treatment to your other topics, the final step is to make a generalization about "freedom, responsibility, and human dignity".

charlotte olson said...

"You should also have info from other historical eras (WWII, right?) to add."

im a little confused about what this means... do u what me to talk about what i wrote about WWII in my civil rights post? or something else...